A seed planted in ancient times, by ancient hands, in ancient soils…
Nurtured by an eternal sun, forged by divine alchemy, strengthened by the blood of many…
In your earth nations have blossomed, and waned, and committed ritual suicides… as nations do.
Emperors of evil and good, sin and virtue, have stood at your feet, and bowed in disbelief and awe…
Principalities, presidents, priests and prophets have come to you at the end of their days…
Angels and demons have fought for your rise and demise… as angels and demons do.
A dark adrenaline has driven me to the banks of this river that flows beneath these roots…
The solar winds have filled the sails of my soul, frequently gentle, occasionally almost ripping, but never tearing…
Today I will reluctantly, then gladly, give in to your seduction, and ignore all promises I’ve made against this allegiance…
as lovers do.